Important Dates for Seniors

Seniors, it's your last trimester of high school!

Stay on top of important upcoming dates:

Laptop Purchases:  All seniors who are interested in purchasing their laptop must pay Mrs. Gisel in the front office in full by Friday, May 16th  (Early Grads: February 13th). All student fees must be paid in full and the cost to purchase the laptop is $30.00. Laptops will be turned in on Friday, May 23rd (early grads- February 19th) during 5th period. All laptops must be turned in regardless of purchase to switch out the hard drive.   

Prom:  The ENHS Junior-Senior prom will be held Saturday, April 26th at 5C Farms Event Barn (1261N 300E, Albion, IN 46701) 7:30pm – 10:30pm.   Grand March will be held in the ENHS Gymnasium at 6:30pm.  Ticket information will be released in March.   Seniors may begin buying tickets right after Spring Break on Monday, April 7th. Juniors may begin buying tickets on Friday, April 11th. There will be no more than 350 tickets sold for this event, and tickets are sold on a first come, first served basis. Ticket sales will close on Thursday, April 17th.  Grand March Practice will be in the main gym during AL on 4/25.

Senior Caps and Gowns, etc.:  Seniors’ caps and gowns will be distributed on Friday, April 25th during a Senior Meeting in the ENHS Gym @ 11am. Graduation items need to be picked up that day-even by early grads.  Seniors who have not yet ordered a cap and gown MUST DO SO IMMEDIATELY at     

Senior Class Photo and Elementary Visits:  The senior class photo will be taken on Wednesday, May 14th @ 12:00 at the high school. The class photo will be taken with seniors in their caps and gowns. Order forms will be available in the guidance office after Spring Break. After the photo, seniors will have the opportunity to travel to the elementary schools for the Walk of Fame. Students will need a permission slip to participate in the walk.  On this day, all seniors will eat during A lunch in the gymnasium.  Do not bring your belongings to the gym, they will not be monitored.  Permission slips will be available in the APC and are due Wednesday, April 30th.   


Senior Cap and Gown Photo:    If seniors would like a professional picture in their cap and gown, these will be taken on Wednesday, May 14th prior to the group senior photo.  Stopher-King Studio will be taking individual pictures of any senior that would like to order a picture of themselves in their cap and gown with a professional background and diploma.  The pictures will be delivered to the high school before graduation.  This is on a PREPAY schedule ONLY. You must turn in the order form with payment (Check or Cash) to the front office by Friday, May 2nd.  Order forms will be available in the guidance office after Spring Break.  Seniors can choose to order just one picture or a package.  If you have additional questions, you can contact Stopher-King at (260) 4632021.  Professional photos will not be taken during the graduation ceremony.   


Honors Night:  Wednesday, May 14th at 6:00 – High School Gymnasium    

      A list of students being honored will be posted Wednesday, May 7th.   

      Wear caps and gowns.   

      Meet in the 600 hallway at 5:45 p.m. and we will enter the gymnasium as a group.  Don’t be late!   

   Final Exams for Seniors:   

      Tuesday, May 27th – 3rd period final   

      Wednesday, May 28th – 2nd, 4th & 5th period finals   

      Thursday, May 29th – 1st period final followed by senior only breakfast & mandatory graduation practice.

Senior Breakfast and Graduation Practice:  Senior breakfast will be for STUDENTS ONLY following their 1st period finals on Thursday, May 29th. Students will report to the cafeteria from 9:20-9:45. Following breakfast, seniors will report to the auditorium for graduation practice from 9:45-11:25.   

**GRADUATION PRACTICE IS MANDATORY. Any senior who does not participate in graduation practice will not walk in graduation on Sunday. Please plan for this.  Working or being on vacation is not an excuse to miss practice.  If you are not planning on participating in the graduation ceremony, please let Mrs. Benedict know by Friday, May 9th.     


Graduation:  Sunday, June 8th - 2:00 p.m. in the ENHS Gymnasium.   

      Doors open for graduation at 1:00 pm.  Seniors must be in the Cole Auditorium by 1:15 pm.   

      All Seniors taking part in the commencement ceremonies will be required to dress appropriately. Males will be required to wear dress slacks, a shirt with a collar, socks, and dress shoes.  Females will be required to wear dresses or dress slacks and dress shoes.  No shorts, flip flops, or gym shoes will be permitted. 

      No decorations or defacing of the graduation cap. 

      Only East Noble Honor Cords/Medallions/Sashes or Military Cords/Sashes will be allowed to be worn on top of the graduation gown.    

      Signs, decorations, noise makers such as air horns, whistles, cowbells, and similar such items are not permitted in the gym at any time during the commencement ceremonies by seniors or guests.  Similarly, any person who disrupts the ceremonies by making noise will be removed from the premises.  

      A copy of the ENHS Commencement Policy is on the back of this page.   

      Remember that seniors must meet all graduation requirements before graduation, or they will not be allowed to participate in the graduation ceremony.    

      Rented graduation gowns will be turned in immediately following the graduation ceremony.  Please take ALL graduation photos of your senior prior to the ceremony.   


Senior Slideshow: The senior slideshow will be played prior to the start of the graduation ceremony. To be included in the slideshow, which will run from 1:00-1:45 p.m. (before the graduation ceremony), each senior needs to submit two pictures: one baby picture and one current picture. These pictures MUST be submitted digitally via email by Wednesday, April 9th at If you have questions or need assistance, please see Mrs. Klinker in room 315.   

Early Graduates:  Seniors who graduate early should continue to check their East Noble email and StudentSquare for updated senior information.  It is the responsibility of the early graduate to know and meet all graduation deadlines.  Please feel free to contact Mrs. Benedict or call the high school at 260-3472032 with any questions.  





If you have questions concerning these dates and/or times,    

please contact Mrs. Benedict at or 347-2032, ext. 12013 


East Noble High School 

Commencement Policy 


To ensure and preserve the integrity of the commencement program at East Noble High School, the following rules will be in effect.  A violation of any of these rules is grounds for immediate removal from the school premises.  

1.     All seniors taking part in the commencement ceremonies will be required to dress appropriately.  Males will be required to wear dress slacks, a shirt with a collar, socks, and dress shoes.  Females will be required to wear dresses or dress slacks and dress shoes.  No jeans, shorts, flip flops, or gym shoes will be permitted.   

      No decorations or defacing of the graduation cap or gown.  

      Only East Noble Academic Honor Cords/Medallions/Sashes or Military Cords/Sashes will be worn on top of the graduation gown.  

2.     Signs, decorations, noise makers such as air horns, whistles, cow bells, and similar such items are not permitted in the gym by seniors or guests at any time during the commencement ceremony.  Similarly, any person who disrupts the ceremonies by making noise will be removed from the premises.    

3.     Seating on the gym floor behind the graduates or on the first row of the bleachers is reserved for a handicapped individual and 1 family member ONLY.  This seating is on a first come, first served basis.